The SolarWall®
heating system also solved two other
problems. Firstly, because the technology heats ventilation
air, it improved the indoor air quality in the hangar.
Secondly, the SolarWall system remedied the problem of
negative pressure; this ensured that the use of hydrazine
in adjacent hangars did not endanger the health of workers.
The computerized control system ensures an optimum
level of comfort and ventilation during the heating
This project has received a tremendous amount of
positive feedback; Dryden was the recipient of the
Presidential Award for Federal Energy Management, and
in 2001 was designated as a Federal Energy Saver
Showcase Facility by the U.S. Department of Energy.

Building 1623, an aircraft hangar, received a 4,000 ft2 (372 m2 ) bronze SolarWall® system on its south facing wall. This innovative, highly sophisticated, and maintenance free solar air heating system is heating 18,000 cfm of fresh air, and was projected to save $15,000 a year (using 2002 natural gases prices). The SolarWall system also saves NASA on environmental compliance costs and reduces greenhouse gas emissions.